Recent content by Sherk

  1. Sherk

    What is A Pet Scan

    A PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) is a type of imaging test that helps doctors observe the body's tissues and organs in great detail. It uses a small amount of radioactive substance (called a tracer) that is injected into the body. This tracer emits positrons (a type of subatomic...
  2. Sherk

    How Much is Pet Insurance

    The cost of pet insurance can vary significantly depending on several factors, including: Pet's age: Older pets tend to cost more to insure. Breed: Certain breeds are more prone to health issues, which can affect premiums. Coverage type: Basic plans (covering accidents and illness) are cheaper...
  3. Sherk

    Can i Pet That Dog

    Haha, I’m guessing you’re talking about a cute dog! But, I can’t say for sure if you can pet that specific one. If you’re meeting a dog in person, always ask the owner if it's okay to pet them first. Some dogs love attention, but others might be shy or a bit nervous around strangers!